Saturday, March 7, 2009

As if my life wasn't hard enough..

fail whale Pictures, Images and Photos may be McPoppingston on the east coast, but the west coast..not so much. and actally i should just say the bay. so day after day im tryna explain wtf twitter is to these tired ass mofo's still checkin they myspaces and they lookin at me like me and Rockstar Wayne been sharin Styrofoam cups. fail! now not only am i constantly refreshing for updates,i have the damn nerve to sing a song about a site my people aren't familiar with. the audacity of me!

listen now:

With all that said, my new addiction has a theme song and that is "Met Her On Twitter" Ice the Villain& LCD mr.BOUTDATMONEY two of my favorite tweeples along with Lil Dee created thee anthem. gawd i cant go no where without screwin ma voice tryna imitate the chorus. just shameful. give it a listen, dumb catchy.production is top dollar. just an all around winner..and im not even being biased, i honest to Bob like the catchy som'bitch!


..& since u gettin your net geek on download Ice the Villain's L.@.Me Mixtape. *LOOK AT ME*


1 comment:

Ice the Villain said...

You are INFINITELY "Bawse" for that post!!! Incredibly exquisite and extremely excellent! Keep it up homeslice!